Monday, May 25, 2009


You walk in to the room and introduce yourself as the Physician Assistant Student. How do you enunciate and emphasize these three words?

a)physician assistant student…they think you are speaking a foreign language, you must emphasize something!
b)PHYSICIAN assistant student…they think you are the doctor
c)physician ASSISTANT student…they think you are the MA or nurse or clerk
d)physician assistant STUDENT…they tell you their neighbor’s son also went to Med School and..
e)PHYSICIAN…ASSISTANT…STUDENT…..they are offended that you think they are deaf & dumb

Answer: I have been going for option d) as it highlights the most important word and lowers the patient expectations to a level that I can hopefully meet or even exceed.


  1. i'm gonna try this out tomorrow and see which one i like. do a little unofficial poll for ya and i'll let you know....
