Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Contradictions are Contraindicated

In the art of medicine, when something is contraindicated, it is a good idea to not give it, perform it, prescribe it, or do whatever you are not supposed to do with it. The "it" may be a drug, a procedure, or an otherwise benign substance or activity. We avoid contraindications like we avoid lighting ourselves on fire. Makes sense, right? I'd don't like being on fire. That's why babies don't get aspirin, viagra and nitroglycerin don't mix, and ummm....pregnancy and parsley are evil together.

In the art of politics, contradictions float around like oxygen molecules, inhaled and exhaled on a daily basis, without a care. A few:
  • Government run health care would be so would be too good and put all the insurance companies out of business. Which one is it?
  • Americans have plenty of access to health care (A.K.A Status Quo and the GWB "Just Go To an Emergency Room Plan")....but....if everybody gets insurance then our doctor's will be too busy! If "everything is fine" then why would stirring the pot, so to speak, stir up an *overwhelming* amount of people who need help? "Republicans opposed to sweeping reform say the health care system would be overwhelmed if nearly 50 million uninsured Americans are given coverage"---Associated Press
  • This health care thing costs too much....but...$900 billion in Iraq and Afghanistan (resulting in 5,000+ U.S. deaths), is just fine.
Perhaps these contradictions should be contraindicated in a worthwhile discussion about health care. Pick your stance and stick too it. Disagree with your neighbor, that's OK. But don't change your argument with each new sound bite on the inflammatory morning talk show. Like giving a cigarette to an asthmatic, tossing around contradictions should be ill-advised.

It was only a matter of time before this blog made some inciting statements (not to be confused with insightful). I apologize, and will soon be back on track, reporting on life as a PA student. To smooth things over, I offer this Old-School Nintendo Game that we can all agree was pretty sweet. It is only Contraindicated in those with ADHD and Seizure Disorder.

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