Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Do's and Don'ts of a Roseburg Surgery Rotation

Don't live with a crazy lady with 2 kids and an untrained dog in a messy house unless you really want to spend the entirety of your evenings in your weird room that is decorated with strange bear paraphernalia, which includes but is not limited to, a life size black bear dressed like a fisherman. Do make friends with the bear.

Do be prepared to nod and smile at the small talk in the break room, which generally revolves around comparing Obama to Hitler, adding up how many handguns one has (and losing count), or bashing people who recycle. Don't bring up health care reform.

Don't walk into the OR without your mask on. If people start waving in a circling motion around their mouth, with a disgusted and hateful look in their eyes, Do take that as a sign that you are missing something.

Do learn the proper anatomy terms, however Don't be surprised when the surgeon refers to the "Butt Case" we'll be doing at 9:30.

Don't blog on the net about the wrong-sided surgery that you witnessed a part of. Do remember to tell others about it in person, behind closed doors.

Don't expect a blog from me for a few days. I'm headed to the coast (via Portland) to spend the long weekend surfing with Audrey and Josh. Do enjoy your weekend. Do it now.


  1. Hey! Where did you find that picture of me surfing in Chautauqua. Those were the good ole days when I still had hair!!!

  2. Does the water feel warmer or is the air colder? Don't fall in the sea weed. Fresh water sharks (muskies) will be waiting for you at sandy beaches.
