After a great visit from brother Chris, there was only one thing left to do. Vamos a Mexico! Turns out, I should have taken Cialis orders for a few patients.
Against the advice of my preceptor, I walked into Mexico, alone. Last time they gave me a Wednesday afternoon off, I returned with stitches, so I understand the hesitation. But a two hour stroll across the border simply provided lots of family friendly entertainment. I was offered Vicodin at least 8 times, among other various legal and not so legal substances. One hombre called to me "hey guy my friend I have what you are not looking for." Exactly.
Felt the endorphins kick in with the sound of Spanish, the ripe smell of diesel exhaust mixed with garbage, the sight of rifle-wielding cops, the awareness that I was the foreigner. Smiled at the hucksters and the cabbies and the pharmacists. Love the way people drive and honk, love the music blaring from each empty cantina and love the mariachi band members getting their shoes shined on an otherwise boring Wednesday afternoon. Spent exactly one american dollar while here, on a Tecate. It was cold, refreshing, and funny how they always taste better south of the border.
Got back to los estados unidos in time for an evening surf session.
Now I am officially ready to head North. Get me out of here.
Awesome Fall
8 years ago
Yeah, get you up HERE! Can't wait to see you in only a few days now! Glad the visit was uneventful. Love the pictures. :) I want you back...but the entry makes me want to travel too.